Monday, December 25, 2017


Completed 12/14/2017

Master Jedi in Old Republic Armor
Started with a WWE CM Punk body with a Battlestar Galactica Anders headcast.  I dremeled away the head cavity and fit it onto the neck.  Then I dremeled away the musculature and prepped the surfaces for sculpting.

Snapshot of all of the sculpt-work involved with this figure.
This was my first time using Smooth-on Free Form Sculpt.  It's super light, compared to Aves so I used the Smooth-on for the surface layer of the body suit.  Also used it to build the shapes and structures of the different armor.  I then used Aves Apoxie Sculpt on top for the detail work.  This was the most "line-work" detail I've sculpted on a piece.

Again, I used Smooth-on Free Form Sculpt to build the shape of Ki-Adi-Mundi's head.  Then went back with Ave's Apoxie Sculpt for the surface detail.  The ponytail's inner structure is twisted wire with red Ave's Sculpt for the hair and white and black Ave's Sculpt for the hair ties.

Start to Finish

Wrapped him up with a custom paintjob using acrylics and then sealed with varnish.  It never ceases to amaze me how a paintjob seems to breath life into a piece.

Lastly, being a child of the 80s I included an Easter Egg that gave a nod to that decade.