Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Earthworm Jim

Completed 12/07/2016

Earthworm Jim Masters of The Universe Classics Style

Ordered a MOTUC "The Faceless One" from ebay. 

Removed the huge skirting and was left with just a ‘T’ shaped pelvic section, which looked really weird.  I had to completely sculpt/build-up the pelvic area – front, sides and back.  Sawed off the neck.

Head: 100% original sculpt using wire – Sculpey firm – Aves apoxie sculpt.  EWJ has a lot of facial expressions… most of them angry.  After deciding on a look, I constructed a wire armature and created the underlying structure and pose with Aves.  Then did the detailing with Sculpey firm. 

Created a mold and then cast it.  It attaches to the body via a magnet in the base of the neck.

I sculpted the body straps, chest emblem and the rest of the costume details with Aves.

Back-pack: The original EWJ’s back-pack was essentially a satchel that housed his green side-kick, Snott.  I didn’t feel like a satchel fit with the MOTUC style though so i found this circular shaped back-pack from the bin and decided to use it.  There were these ridges covering most of pack and it didn’t fit with the chest emblem I already sculpted, so I dremeled away all of the ridges and sculpted the surface smooth, then added details that matched the design.  The idea is that his pack powers the suit and he can re-charge his gun cartridge as well.

Hands:  100% original sculpt with Sculpey firm and Aves apoxie sculpt.    MOTUC hands always bothered me because they seem out of proportion with the huge bodies.  And since EWJ hands have 4 digits instead of 5, I decided to just completely sculpt both of them to the correct scale of the character.

Left closed fist was straight up sculpt.

The right ‘gun hand’ was a mix of materials.  Gun was created using a Sharpie pen top to give that uniform, conical shape.  Front of the barrel was sculpted and I used a plastic tube and a pellet from my air pistol as the ball on the tip of the gun.  Next I sculpted the grip and trigger and then sculpted the hand around the grip.  I thought it would be cool if he had a cartridge of some sort to power his gun, and re-charge/re-load it when depleted.  So I attached a capacitor [not pictured] from an old electronics board and painted it to have that radioactive look.

I also wanted to include that ridiculously small side holster (You know… the one that can in No-Way hold or support the huge cannon he carries, but somehow it works).  I started sculpting it but realized, I got a bunch of styrene sheets lying around, so let’s try that.  So holster and strap is 100% constructed using styrene plastic.  Sanded and painted to match.